Sunday, February 26, 2012

Process of Elimination

In order to really try and focus in on where the Candida is coming from and the best way to treat it, I have decided to make a slight change in my initial plan.

I have been on Yaz for a few years now to help manage the cysts that I have on my ovaries. And, of course, it also has added benefits. I know what you might be thinking..."How can someone that is so interested in health continue to put that poison in their body?" I have tried to come off of the pill in the past, but the many side effects caused me to just go right back on it. I didn't have the time to deal with the ridiculous head aches, water retention, aches all over, irritability, etc. This is another thing that I mentioned to the doctor and they rolled their eyes at me.

So, after much research I have found that any type of pill that alters hormones can cause Candida to take over and host a "sit in" inside of the digestive tract. This isn't to say that I won't have to change my diet at all, but by stopping it without making a drastic diet change, I will be able to see if the pill is a major cause for me.

These next few weeks will be hard and a challenge. I can already feel the brain fog coming on and the headaches. Lots of water. Lots of veggies. And maybe a piece of chocolate here and there...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Making the Candida Connection

I have been meaning to do this for a long time. I am doing this via blog because I will be held accountable by my readers...all two of you.

It is time to take charge of my health. I have been plagued by Candida overgrowth in my body for two years (I have a feeling it has been this way for much longer though). I have done everything that the "Formal" Medical world has prescribed for me to do and nothing has helped me. NOTHING. Why don't they find it weird that the same thing keeps coming back over and over again? Why don't they think that my stomach problems, fatigue, anxiety are maybe all stemming from the same place? It makes sense to me. I am tired of going to a doctor and having them roll their eyes at me every time I talk about my theories.

I didn't go to medical school (Actually, it is the other career path that I always wished I had followed, but I never thought I was smart enough - I know better now). BUT, I have taken an extreme interest in health and wellness - specifically, women's health and the disregard for it by the medical world.

Side note - We all know that men run the medical world. Do you think if women ran it things would be much different for us? Yes. I do. We wouldn't be given glopping, gooey, expensive creams and ointments that drip out of us all day and then eventually don't do anything. Men would never put up with having to go through a day like that. I digress...

I am reading "The Candida Connection" and it is changing my life with every page-turn (Or click of the button on my Kindle). I am learning that I am one of the unfortunate ones that has been plagued with this horrible overgrowth of candida. So, I need to change my life style and diet. I'm technically supposed to start with NO SUGAR, but I'm going to just tell myself that it will be VERY LOW SUGAR.

Why this will be hard?
1) I love chocolate.
2) I love milk chocolate.
3) I love all kinds of chocolate.

Here we go...

(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I'm not telling anyone that you should do this - but maybe it will start your own research on the topic. I did get a full-check up from my general doctor and gynecologist recently. Yes, modern medicine has saved many lives in cases of emergency - cancer treatments, repairing limbs, restarting hearts, life-threatening infections. I understand this. I am not an idiot. But, I also know that modern medicine has caused many unnecessary problems and if you don't want to recognize this, well...then...don't read my blog.)